Why subscribe to EV Farm?

EV Farm documents Tesla’s arc of darkness. It counters the company’s manicured narrative of black and white with a portrait of Dorian Gray.

Like the pigs in Animal Farm, Elon Musk promised to revolutionize the auto sector. And just as the pigs came to exploit the “lower animals” more completely than the humans ever had, Tesla has proven worse than traditional automakers in every dimension except one: product greenhouse gas emissions.

If you want to stay a Tesla fan or well-wisher, or even a neutral observer, this newsletter is not for you. Choose happiness. Stick to the narrative.

But if you want non-fiction — the freedom to know how you’ve been deceived — subscribe and read.

The EV Farm flag below draws from the Animal Farm flag, itself derived from the flag of the thankfully-gone Soviet Union.

Subscribe to EV Farm

A Tesla fan-turned-TSLAQ substack on Tesla's arc of darkness, and how it became a real-life "Animal Farm" for electric cars.